Monday, November 24, 2008

A well spent weekend

Well it has been a wonderful weekend. Have been drunk the entire time. Started straight after work on Friday night, was well gone by the time got home at 1am.
Went shopping on Saturday. made a host of unecessary purchases- alcohol, new shoes that were intended to be practical but are impossibly high(but make my legs look thinner), alcohol, a proper 'sporting' skipping rope for my latest get fit in time for summer scheme, candy, and did I mention alcohol?
Spent Saturday night drowning my sorrows in previously mentioned alcohol with best friend James, the gayest man alive. We got hammered, watched Buffy and played the longest game of Trivial Pursuit in history.
Subday was spent making way to city in car with furious, road raging father and pretending to be absorbed in book whilst he yelled at my poor, incompetent brother.
Met friends for drinks(cocktails to be exact) at 2pm after mad rush to purchase new clothes in 20 mins from bargain table when realised own outfit made self look fat.
Swanned in at 2:20 wearing too big jeans and singlet sliding down to reveal misfitting bra but got so plastered no-on noticed.
Was invited out that night but was so drunk headed to boyfriend's house at half past five. Stumbled into his arms at station and proceeded to video store. Hired movies and spent all night alternatively sobbing as feeling tired, sick, emotional and dehydrated.
Woke up Monday not the slightest bit hungover but with worst stomachache of life due to unmentionable ladies issues. Tearfully called in sick to work and spent whole day lying about in pain and drifting in and out of sweaty sleep. So all in all, an up and down weekend.